IPA проект 2015

 Со ова секторско фише- Земјоделство и рурален развој, вклучително и безбедност на храна, ветеринарна и фитосанитарна политика (IPA/2015/037-907), кое што се имплеметира на централизиран начин, во неговата компонента 2 е предвидено остварување на следните резултати:

  1. Зајакнување на капацитетите на службите одговорни за безбедност на храна, ветеринарна и фитосанитарна политика;
  2. Имплментација на орална вакцинација против болеста беснило кај лисиците;
  3. Зајакнување на граничната контрола во делот на безбедност на храна, ветеринарна и фитосанитарна контрола.


Овие резултати ќе се остварат преку спроведување на следните договори:

  1. Договор за услуги- Подобрување на спроведувањето на законодавството за здравствена заштита на животните, безбедноста на храна и фитосанитарното законодавство и соодветните информативни системи, договор кој се имплементира од Agriconsulting Europe S.A во соработка со IZSAM, IZSUM, King ICT dooel Croatia, King ICT dooel Macedonia. Проектот е со времетраење од 24 месеци, од 14.01.2019 до 31.01.2021 година; 

    Results under Component 1: transposition of the newly adopted key EU legislation and its efficient enforcement on national level in veterinary and food safety area

    •    Transposed Regulation (EU) 2016/429 (‘Animal Health Law’) and EU implementing rules thereof into national legislation and prepared FVA’s staff of its implementation;
    •    Strategy for animal health is prepared and approved by the beneficiary;
    •    Transposed Regulation (EU) 2017/625 (official controls) into national legislation and prepared FVA’s personnel of its implementation.
    Results under Component 2: Strengthening the capacity of food safety area
    •    Institutional capacity is strengthened regarding food safety in terms of improved knowledge and skills for, but not limited to:
    −    Determination of the presence and concentrations of food contaminants, pesticide residues in and on food, genetically modified food, and evaluating their impact on human health,
    −    Monitoring of organic products, microbiological criteria and other food hazards
    −    Increased knowledge for general and specific requirements for plastic, ceramics and other types of food contact materials according with the relevant EU standards.
    •    Defined clear procedures for food supplements regarding specific legal requirements for safety, especially regarding minimum and maximum levels of vitamins and minerals and addition of herbal and various bioactive substances is revised and approved by the beneficiary;
    •    Defined clear procedures for nutrition and health claims in relation to specific legal requirements for food safety, as well as improved market control of authorised, unauthorised and on-hold health claims made on food labelling is revised and approved by the beneficiary;
    •    Improved control over the compliance with the requirements set up in a legislation related to animal by products;
    •    Improved system for VMP related to use of VMP and pharmacovigilance
    •    The provisions of the upcoming EU legislation on VMP is introduced into national legislation and the FVA staff is prepared for its implementation;
    •    Follow up activities provided for flexible implementation of the EU legislation related to production and placing on the market of food of animal origin;
    •    Quality management system in the FVA is improved.
    Results under Component 3: The current IT system in FVA is upgraded and improved
    •    The current Food and Veterinary Information System is upgraded and improved in accordance with user needs (Annex 1), international and national requirements, standards and legislation
    •    The FVIS is installed and fully operational
    •    Document record management system implemented,
    •    System and user documentation delivered
    •    Beneficiaries trained to use the new IT system

    Result under Component 4: Public awareness campaigns:
    •    Public awareness campaigns for improving the quality of raw milk in primary production organized;
    •    Public awareness campaign for general public, owners and other specific responsible persons regarding the requirements and obligations provided in the animal welfare Law;
    •    Awareness campaign for general public as a consumer and for food business operators regarding labelling of food, in particular information of nutrition and health claims related to herbal components or herbal extracts, as well as quality of food.
    •    Improved awareness of the generators of animal by-products(industry, farmers and others) regarding to responsibilities and oblogations laid down in the animal by- products legislation

    Results under Component 5: Design, development and implementation of the Phytosanitary Information System (PIS)
    •    Developed Phytosanitary Information System (PIS) in accordance with user needs (Annex 2 and 3), international and national requirements, standards and legislation.
    •    The PIS is installed and fully operational
    •    Document record management system implemented,
    •    System and user documentation delivered
    •    Users trained and knowledge transfer completed.

    Results under Component 6: Further development and strengthening of capacities of the CAs in the phytosanitary sector

    •    Plant Health Status in the country updated
    •    Prepared Pest Risk Assessment and undertaken measures for spreading of pests
    •    Established outbreak management and Contingency plans for 2 pests prepared (for instance Xyllela spp and Flavescnecee doree)
    •    Provisions of the new PPP Law enforced
    •    General principles of IPM Introduced
    •    Trained staff of the CAs in the phytosanitary sector

  2. Договор за набавка на вакцини, Договорот е потпишан и веќе е реализиран со спроведување на пет вакцинални кампањи, односно набавка и дистрибуција на 2.500.000 вакцинални мамки на целата територија на РМ со цел вакцинација на дивите лисици;
  3. Договор за градба (EuropeAid/138298/DD/WKS/MK), Договор бр.2017/385-559 од 04.05.2017 година, потпишан со IZGRADBA-KOMERC DOOEL SKOPJE, со вредност од 665.277,88 ЕУР. Овој договор предвидува изградба на објекти на граничен премин Блаце за потребита на ветеринарните и фитосанитарните инспекциски служби.Истиот е реализиран, објектите се ставени во функција.
  4. Договор за надзор на градба (EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/multi), Договор бр.2017/382120 од 22.03.2017 година, потпишан со PLANET S.A од Р.Грција, со вредност од 85.630 ЕУР. Предмет на овој договор е надзор на изградбата на објектите на граничен премин Блаце. Договорот е реализиран.


Проектно фише IPA 2015