If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone 0800 00 210. You will receive a reward of 2500 denars

If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone
0800 00 210
You will receive a reward of 600 denars

Sector of Health Care and Animal Welfare

The Sector of Health Protection and Animal Welfare coordinates the work of the Department of Animal Health Protection, the Department of Animal Welfare, the Department of Animal Identification and Registration and the Department of Emergency Plans and participates in the drafting of laws and by-laws, programs and other acts in the field of veterinary medicine, prepares analyses, information on the state of animal health care, organizes and realizes collaborations with other competent authorities and sectors.

1.1 The Department for Animal Health Protection, performs the following tasks:

  • Monitors the situation with animal diseases in the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • Prepares programs for the control/eradication of animal diseases;
  • Prepares reports on the health status of lives;
  • Maintains the National Epizootiological Information System and other databases for animal health care;
  • Monitors the situation of infectious diseases in the world;
  • Drafts legal and by-laws in the field of animal health protection;
  • Checks the invoices submitted by the veterinary societies that implement the programs and measures for animal health protection;
  • Keeps records and register of veterinary societies;
  • Communicates with international organizations in the field of health care (OIE, FAO, European Parliament in Strasbourg, etc.).



1.2 The Department for Animal Welfare performs the following tasks:

  • Monitors the state of animal welfare in the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • Prepares plans for the improvement of animal welfare;
  • Prepares welfare reports;
  • Prepares by-laws regarding animal welfare;
  • Participates in the preparation of legal and by-laws in the field of animal welfare;
  • Checks the invoices for activities performed in relation to animal welfare;
  • Communicates with international organizations regarding animal welfare (OIE, FAO, European Parliament in Strasbourg, etc.).



1.3 The Animal Identification and Registration Department performs the following tasks:

  • identification and registration of animals;
  • registration of animal farms and regular updating of data from the Central Register of farms;
  • prepares plans for the improvement of the system for identification and registration of animals;
  • controls the work of the slaughterhouses in the IiR section, provides assistance and consultations in relation to their duties and tasks;
  • monitors the work of livestock markets in the IiR section, provides consultations and technical assistance;
  • provides logistical support, technical assistance and training to veterinary stations, slaughterhouses, breeders and other stakeholders;
  • prepares and issues individual documents for movement of animals and control of their delivery;
  • performs administration of the central database, control of the entire database for the smooth running of the process of entering data into the database;
  • organizes supervision of the implementation of the control of farm animals in relation to IiR in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia.



1.4 The Emergency Plans Department, performs the following tasks:

  • monitors the situation with particularly dangerous infectious diseases among animals in the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • prepares plans for emergency measures, operational procedures, work guidelines and instructions, forms, checklists, informational materials for raising public awareness and materials for strengthening the capacities of FVA for particularly dangerous infectious diseases in animals;
  • participates in raising public awareness of diseases that are particularly dangerous for animal health;
  • maintains full readiness for implementation of emergency measures plans and operational manuals;
  • plans, organizes and conducts simulation exercises;
  • communicates with the relevant institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia in order to suppress and eradicate particularly dangerous diseases in animals;
  • communicates with international organizations in the field of health care;
  • monitoring the situation with the procurement and distribution of equipment needed to suppress and eradicate particularly dangerous diseases in animals.