If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone 0800 00 210. You will receive a reward of 2500 denars

If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone
0800 00 210
You will receive a reward of 600 denars


The Food and Veterinary Agency is an independent body of the state administration with the capacity of a legal entity, which was established on 01.01.2011 with the adoption of the Law on Food Safety ("Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia" no. 157/10) by merging The Administration for Veterinary Medicine at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the Directorate for Food at the Ministry of Health. The Agency for Food and Veterinary Medicine, in accordance with the European principles for the continuity of food "From field to table", since 2011 has been functioning as the only competent authority for the control of food and animal feed safety, for the implementation, control, supervision and monitoring of veterinary activities in the field of animal health care, their welfare, veterinary public health, as well as control of laboratories that provide support for the needs of the Agency.

The main objective of the Food and Veterinary Agency is to ensure a high level of protection of the health and interests of consumers when it comes to food safety.

The Food and Veterinary Agency performs the tasks under its competence on the basis of the established food safety control system by integrating the control systems for food of animal origin, including for import, the control system for general food safety, for the import of food of plant origin, control system for pesticides and control system for animal welfare.

The Agency for Food and Veterinary Medicine is managed by a director/deputy director. 3 state advisers are employed in the Agency, 6 independent departments, 9 sectors have been established, and 31 departments have been established within them.

Internal organization of the Food and Veterinary Agency

  • Organogram of the Food and Veterinary Agency [link]
  • Rulebook for the systematization of jobs in AHV [link]
  • List of persons employed by AHV [link]
  • Code of Administrative Officers [link]



  • State adviser for professional support and administrative work
    Radmila Nikolovska
    Tel: +389 2 2457 895
    +389 2 2457 873 extension 185


  • State Food Adviser
    Svetlana Kolaric
    Tel: +389 2 2457 895
    +389 2 2457 873
    extension 185

Department of Health Care and Animal Welfare
Вања Кондратенко
Тел:+389 2 2457 895
+389 2 2457 873 локал 141

Сектор за ветеринарно јавно здравство
Сашко Арсов
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 139

Сектор за храна од неживотинско потекло
Оливер Миланов
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 129

Сектор за инспекциски надзор
Ванчо Новоселски
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 121

Сектор за ЕУ и меѓународна соработка
Светлана Томеска Мицкова
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 120

Сектор за општи и административни работи
В.Д раководител Бојана Петровска
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 119

Сектор за стручна поддршка
Блажо Јаневски
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 198

Сектор за нови прехранбени технологии
Ленче Јовановска
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 140

Сектор за проценка и комуникација со ризик
В.Д раководител Никола Савовски
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 185

Одделениe за работи поврзани со директорот - Кабинет
Илија Георгиев
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 134

Одделение за финансиски прашања
Атанас Бојчев
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 203

Одделение за внатрешна ревизија
Виолета Јовановска
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 135

Одделение за човечки ресурси
Аџере Рамичи
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 181

Одделение за внатрешна контрола и аудит
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 118

Одделение за следење измами со храна
Тел:++389 2 2457 895
++389 2 2457 873
локал 118


Офицер за заштита на лични податоци

Сања Стојановска (Советник за нормативно правни работи), smihajleska@fva.gov.mk
Бојана Петровска (в.д. Раководител на Одделение за правни работи), bpetrovska@fva.gov.mk
Тел: (02) 2 457 895