If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone 0800 00 210. You will receive a reward of 2500 denars

If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone
0800 00 210
You will receive a reward of 600 denars

Food fraud monitoring department

Although there is no agreed definition either in the legal acts in the Republic of Serverna Macedonia or at the EU level, there is still a generally accepted notion that food fraud refers to the intentional violation of the Food Safety Law in order to achieve financial gain by deceiving consumers. The Food and Veterinary Agency aims to ensure the existence of the highest food safety standards. All activities in the Food Fraud Monitoring Department are planned and implemented with the aim of advancing the policy for protecting the interests of consumers and increasing the trust of citizens, while at the same time protecting food operators who operate in accordance with legal requirements.

As a result of constant monitoring of trends and food markets in RSM and as a result of intersectoral coordination, planned controls are prepared that refer to a certain type of food or type of production. Overdue written, oral or electronic reports regarding fraudulent practices are handled in parallel, and if there is a suspicion of irregularities or irregularities, an investigation into the case is started immediately.

The benefits of the actions are aimed at a higher level of consumer protection against food fraud and preventing the possibility of being misled, because consumers have the right to make the right choice. The food fraud monitoring department organizes investigations into food fraud, determines the factual situation and circumstances during the investigations into food fraud and undertakes all necessary measures and activities from the inspection procedure. In order to improve the procedures, it prepares proposals for adopting new and amending existing regulations, standards, manuals and instructions in terms of food fraud.

The Food and Veterinary Agency, through the Food Fraud Monitoring Unit, takes care of the timely cancellation of detected inconsistencies from food fraud investigations, participates and coordinates activities in food fraud investigations with other involved institutions if is needed. Any information, indication or suspicion of fraudulent practice relating to irregularity or irregularity is approached seriously with analysis and assessment to detect fraud and adulteration of food and animal feed and if added value to regular inspections we strive to increase effectiveness and the efficiency of the Food and Veterinary Agency, higher level of consumer protection, prevention of unfair competition and indirectly, strengthening of the economy.