If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone 0800 00 210. You will receive a reward of 2500 denars

If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone
0800 00 210
You will receive a reward of 600 denars

Department of Financial Affairs

The Department for Financial Affairs as an independent department under the direct authority of the Director of the Agency for Food and Veterinary Medicine of the Republic of North Macedonia carries out its activities in the function of full and correct implementation of the material and financial operations for the achievement of the goals and priorities in the operation of the Agency for food and veterinary medicine in accordance with the planned activities with the Strategic Plan of FVA and the planned funds approved by the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia.
The objectives and priorities in the operation of the Department for Financial Affairs mostly refer to:

  • control over the process of acquisition and payment of financial obligations;
  • control over the process of public revenues under the jurisdiction of the FVA;
  • rational and efficient use of funds provided by the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia, according to the programmatic and other activities planned by the Public Procurement Plan.


Through the established regular chronological records in the material and financial operations in relation to the entire input and output documentation (invoices, receipts, dispatches, reports, statements, treasury reports, solutions, analyzes and others) greater transparency and timeliness in the financial and bookkeeping records was ensured and documentation, accounting events and changes in assets, sources of assets, income and expenses.

The department for financial issues has continuous communication, coordination and exchange of information with all organizational units of AHV (sectors, departments and regional units) in order to improve the operation of the Food and Veterinary Agency.

The Department for Financial Affairs promptly initiates the budget process for the current year, taking into account the procedures for the preparation of the Strategic Plan and the Proposal-Budget of the Food and Veterinary Agency. The budget request of AHV is drawn up within the framework of the maximum amounts of expenditures in which the real needs of AHV are expressed, followed by fully supported argumentation and justifications as real observations and needs for the current years.

In its scope of work, in addition to the above, are the following activities:

  • Preparation of the Budget requests for the coming years
  • Development of Financial Plans
  • Preparation of half-yearly and annual reports on the realization of the programs
  • Preparation of reviews for outstanding outstanding obligations
  • Preparation of Annual Financial Reports
  • Preparation of reports for reconciliation with treasury reports for reported multi-year liabilities
  • Development of a Decision for the internal allocation of the Budget for the current years.


Useful links

  • Law on Public Internal Financial Control (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 90/09,192/15) [link]
  • Financial Management and Control Manual [link]
  • Rulebook for general financial processes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 147 of 11.10.2010) [link]
  • Instructions for the method of treasury operations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 161 of 12/30/2009) [link]
  • Rulebook on the method of implementing internal distribution of the total approved budget, undertaking financial obligations and making payments (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 147 of 11.10.2010) [link]
  • Law on the accounting of budgets and budget beneficiaries (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 61/02, 98/02 and 81/05) [link]
  • Law on Public Procurement [link]
  • Ministry of Finance | Public Revenue Administration  | Official Gazette