If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone 0800 00 210. You will receive a reward of 2500 denars

If you find a dead wild boar, please report it on this phone
0800 00 210
You will receive a reward of 600 denars

Sector for food of non-animal origin

Within the framework of the Department for Food Safety of Non-Animal Origin, a large number of activities, normative works and administrative legal works are carried out which are in the function of executing the competence of the Agency, creating a policy for food of non-animal origin, approving individual products that fall in the food categories that must be approved before being placed on the market, control and approval of certain types of food due to their specificity and effect on human health. In the sector, control and approval of products and materials that come into contact with food is carried out, and activities related to the procedure of approval of health claims used for commercial purposes in labeling, presentation and advertising of food are undertaken. At the same time, the sector prepares, implements and monitors the implementation of the monitoring program for food safety, analysis and evaluation of it. The sector controls food, products and materials that come into contact with food, by monitoring the implementation of regulations in the field of food and directly participates in food risk management.

The basic legal act according to which the work in the Sector for food of non-animal origin is carried out is the Law on Food Safety [link(Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 157/2010, 53/2011, 1/2012, 164/2013, 187 /2013, 43/2014, 72/2015, 123/2015, 129/2015, 213/2015 and 39/16)

In the Sector for food of non-animal origin, several large areas are being worked on in terms of food safety, namely:

  • Monitoring and analysis of new legislation in the area of food safety in the European Union, planning and preparation of new legislation in the area of food safety in the Republic of North Macedonia with the aim of harmonization with EU legislation and planning and preparation of national regulations in the area of food safety which are in the interest of the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • Planning, implementation, analysis and evaluation of the monitoring program for food safety which is produced in the Republic of Macedonia and which is released and can be found on the market in the Republic of Macedonia;
  • Activities regarding approvals for placing on the market in the Republic of Macedonia food supplements, types of food with special nutritional use (dairy food for infants, food for infants and young children on a cereal basis, food for people with disorders in carbohydrate metabolism or other metabolic disorders, food for special medical purposes, food for athletes), enriched food, etc.;
  • Activities regarding approvals for placing on the market in the Republic of Macedonia materials and objects that come into contact with food;
  • Activities surrounding the approval of health claims used for commercial purposes in the labeling, presentation and advertising of food;
  • Control and monitoring of additives used in food production in the Republic of Macedonia;
  • Activities regarding nutritional and health claims used for commercial purposes in the labeling, presentation and advertising of food products in terms of correct and truthful information about the ingredients of the product and their nutritional effects or the relationship of the ingredients to human health are for the purpose of protection to the consumer by mistake;
  • Implementation of activities for the implementation of the new rules for labeling, presentation and advertising of food products in terms of correctly informing the consumer about the product.

Support for food operators:

Expert consultations are continuously given to food operators in relation to the procedure of issuing an opinion on the conformity of a product from the group of special types of food and in relation to the use of food additives. Consultations are carried out by telephone, by correspondence and by holding meetings with interested parties.

In the sector, all activities are distributed among the three departments and each department has prepared a plan and work program for the coming year individually.

The sector for food of non-animal origin is organizationally composed of 3 departments: